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Kiplant AllGrip is a biofertilizer composed of Phosphorus solubilizing microorganisms, producers of phytohormones and extra-cellular enzymes.

Kiplant AllGrip is involved in many metabolic pathways of the plant due to the large amount of bio-transformed Phosphorus that its compounds release from the soil to the plant. Kiplant AllGrip microorganisms produce several enzymes, such as acid and alkaline phosphatases, phytases (which hydrolise the phytate, one of the organic types of Phosphorus more common in vegetables tissues) and esterase’s related with the degradation of phospholipids.

The microorganisms present in Kiplant AllGrip are very active in increasing plant nutrient efficiency, so it is a product with a direct stimulating action in the growth and in the productivity of many crops.

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